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The mobile toilet is made of steel welded into a frame structure

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The mobile toilet is made of steel welded into a frame structure

Date:2018-06-20 00:00 Source:http://www.dlpuxiang.com Click:

People often say, go to a strange place, the first should know where is the toilet, go abroad should learn to the first sentence of a foreign language is also ask where is the toilet, toilet visible occupies important position in our life. In the modern city construction, without the application of mobile toilets, because traditional toilet cannot have satisfied the requirements of the development of modern society, mobile toilets in the environmental protection, convenience is more popular with people.

Dalian mobile toilet is made of steel welded into a frame structure, the bottom is generally welded with channel or i-beam, and the vertical column is square steel. Wall materials shall be installed on the foundation of the wall, including colored steel plate, glass steel, stainless steel, metal carving plate, etc. The frame structure can meet the needs of hoisting. It can move the Norway hoisting, so it is called the mobile toilet. It's not inherently mobile.

It's the opposite of a traditional stationary toilet! Compared with traditional toilets, the advantages are obvious! Mobile toilets are not restricted by any work environment, exterior light structure, color collocation is reasonable, suitable for the city streets, parks green, station, wharf, tourist attractions, villa area, new district, large construction site, square, and the densely populated public places such as a busy shopping mall. Mobile public toilets have the advantages of mobility, combination and transportation. And the internal configuration of mobile toilet is higher than that of regular fixed toilet.

Mobile toilet gets its name because of its mobility, which is opposite to the traditional fixed toilet! Compared with traditional toilets, the advantages are obvious! Mobile toilets are not restricted by any work environment, exterior light structure, color collocation is reasonable, suitable for the station, wharf, tourist attractions, villa area, new district, large construction site, square, and the densely populated public places such as a busy shopping mall. Mobile public toilets have the advantages of mobility, combination and transportation.

Strong mobility, so as to avoid the housing demolition caused by the waste of resources. There are many ways to handle it, and appropriate ways can be adopted according to the limitations of the use environment. The land area is small, compared with the traditional toilet, the mobile toilet greatly saves the land area, just caters to the current land tension situation! Beautiful and generous, in the guarantee practical foundation, paid attention to the importance of beautiful, become a tourist attractions, park district of a landscape line! On building greatly save manpower, material and financial resources, the construction of traditional toilet often need to pass the location, purchase materials, construction, completion and put into use, etc., and mobile toilet is manufacturer to produce a good product, installation can be used directly!

Scenic mobile toilets

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